Old age catching up with me!
Hubby got a fulltime job, so looks like we're staying here.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Oh, I forgot!
0 Even Wiser people reply Words of Wisdom by antikva at 2:21 pm
Labels: life
Mum & Dad are off gallivanting back up the coast and my sister is on her way down. My cousin is somewhere around the general area as well, so we're having a full house before Christmas. I'm feeling less pissed off at the world and getting back into the groove now. I must have been missing my Mum :-)
I've been having some issues with dexterity lately, so I've been doing knitting and crocheting with wire and beads to help. These are the beads I chose to make a necklace that I forgot to take a picture of before I sent it off. I'm making a redback spider one for the youngest at the moment so will put that up when done.
Plus I'm making a beanie on a knitting loom for one of my friends grandchild, so hopefully it will look like a beanie and not a dead ferret or something! Oh, and I'm making the beanie in wool, not wire *g*
Now playing: Adam Thompson & Band - Circus Of Mind
via FoxyTunes
3 Even Wiser people reply Words of Wisdom by antikva at 1:51 pm
Labels: stuff I'm making
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Did you know we have a public holiday here tomorrow? No? neither did I.
My day went to shit, so I thought No probs, will just post everything off tomorrow morning. Yeah. Errr, no. GAH!
Reason my day went to shit is because my 13 year old son has a bad habit of sliding around the house, he also has a bad habit of leaving staples in his carpet [ WHY? I have absolutely no freaking idea! I wouldn't have thought it's a trendy decorating statement]
He now knows why it is not a good idea to combine both bad habits. and lucky for him he didn't get blood on the carpet.
He's fine now, although it hurt at the time and really hurt when I slung his foot straight into a vat of betadine. Nothing an icypole and vanilla coke along with some stitch thingys and a hug didn't fix. Oh yeah, and the day off school.
So, sorry, but Thursday is mail day now for all the parcels/cards/letters I was posting out.
Now playing: Bobby Bloom - Montego Bay
via FoxyTunes
Huggles everyone!
2 Even Wiser people reply Words of Wisdom by antikva at 10:42 pm
Saturday, November 08, 2008
My feet hurt!
I forgot to let you all know that my parents were here, so I wouldn't be around until Mondayish. Sorry!
Today we did the Dragon Museum and garden tour, watched a wedding, then went on the Talking Tram tour and then to the RSL for dinner and so they could play the pokies. We have to go back and get them in an hour :-)
I am exhausted! Photo's later.
I've been showing my mother [knitter/crocheter extordinaire] how I crochet with wire and beads. She says I don't crochet properly, but her Mother is the one who taught me Apparently I hold the hook and wrap the wire/crochet cotton like I'm knitting. Whatever! it works. LOL
Tomorrow we are off to the Market in the morning and then that is the extent of my here's where we live now tour *g* They leave Monday to go to Brissy to see my little brother. Hubby starts a new job and kidlets go to school, Tafe etc.
I've been doing some freelance work designing some embroidery images. Different but fun. I'm itching to do a full on just for fun painting though! and I got asked to teach some gilding classes, so that's cool. I'm finding work around the place, finally. I hate moving to a new area to start again. It's draining.
Now, I'm off to bed. very.very.sleepy.
Now playing: Kerosene - Art of Survival
via FoxyTunes
0 Even Wiser people reply Words of Wisdom by antikva at 10:24 pm