Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Helping Hands...

One of my blogger friends is a Melbourne artist, she has an ebay auction of one of her gorgeous artworks with all proceeds to go to the Bushfire Victims.

You can find the auction at Ebay

I have one of her paintings and you can also visit her blog

Daniel Sanger has also donated an artwork to be sold to benefit Bushfire Victims, you can find it here

Don't forget to visit the Toy Society for donations of handmade toys.

Fun4Paws are also looking for foster carers for dogs whose owners are homeless from the bushfires, if you can help please contact
Luke - 0415 104 044 contact@fun4paws.com.au
Lynne - 0428 844 810 or

and visit the linked image below to buy handamde items donated to raise money for bushfire victims.


2 Even Wiser people reply:

Ann ODyne said...

Wildlife Rescue link


antikva said...

Yep, that link is in my previous post of places to donate to, please donate.

Many pets, livestock and wildlife were injured or need food.