Saturday, May 23, 2009


I really hate being unwell and I seem to have been nothing else since we moved here. I'd have to say that it's stress based as the Universe seems intent on kicking my arse just because she can and it all coincided with our move and change of life. So, no point whining about it or you know what happens! However, I am making myself sick by internalising my feelings, so watch out if you piss me off, I will not walk away telling you what I think in my head but to your face. out loud. and I will no longer say thank you to those who don't deserve it.

I used to be so good with change, this time, not so much. I am working on my feeling of displacement but need to stop trying to fit in. If I do, great, if not, sorry, move along if you don't like me. I think I've been suffocating my personality so people like me and I have friends and have to thank someone for making me realise that, even if she doesn't know she did :-)

So, last night I took a night off from everyone's dramas and watched some Midsomer Murders episodes, read a book in bed and stopped fretting and worrying. Did some more knitting for the coat I'm making for BattleQueen 3 [Hi Honey! lol]

Pebbles the cat laid on me, over me, beside me and generally snuggled up to me all night. At 5am she decided to go kitteh pscho all over the house and did the *boing* jump on to me from the cupboard. At that point I told her sternly GO.TO.SLEEP. and she did. HA! at least the cat listens and obeys :D

Did some ideas sketches and worked on getting the image in my head started on paper.

Have revisited a theme I had abandoned for others and am wandering along plotting and planning.

6 Even Wiser people reply:

Anonymous said...

Midsomer Murders is MP's favourite program, and eveytime there is a show on TV, I'm told to record it and put it on DVD. 23 episodes later......

Ann ODyne said...


1. ALL cats do that boing boing around the room at 3am.

2. Everybody feels displaced I think. I certainly do.

3. You are doing the right thing - always head for bed with a cat, entertainment and munchies.

peace and love

Ozfemme said...

I'm so sorry you're hurting. You are in my thoughts. Meeting you was a highlight, albeit the short time we had together. Always your sister. I think I'll come visit you soon.

Ozfemme said...

Gosh, how scarey was that last comment????

JahTeh said...

Oz, that wasn't scary, threatening to send your kids to visit is scary.

BwcaBrownie said...

peace and love from me too