Friday, November 20, 2009

Are you turtley enuff for the turtle?

kidlet got into Uni, YAY! is majoring in photojournalism.

We found a friend :D An Eastern snake neck turtle that seems to have been hibernating in the creek over the road until rudely awakened by the Council grass slasher & wandered out onto the road *eek* so he was rescued and we're taking him/her to the creek with water or the lake. The creek over the road is still dry, so we can't put him back there. here's a pic I took on my phone earlier

my new little friend. Must have been woken up when the counci... on Twitpic

And as I said on twitter, it seems like a good night to have a Hugh Grant movie marathon, now that I have conceded that I do in fact, like Hugh Grant movies! heh.

2 Even Wiser people reply:

Jan said...

That's great for you kidlet. :)

Just hope you don't find the snakes from the grass as well. lol

Cheers! :)

Jen xo said...

oh wow!! never seen turtles from a round here...plenty of snakes and blue tongues !
Maybe contact Wise, that lake is probably full of blue green algae, this time of year.....

yey for kidlet...great course to do...