Friday, July 22, 2005

Absolutely shameful!

This is just disgusting. At least Qantas gave a toss and helped him out.

Bungle leaves Digger lost in airport | NSW/ACT | Breaking News 24/7 - (22-07-2005): "A BUNGLE by the Department of Veterans Affairs left a 91-year-old Digger wandering lost in Sydney airport in his pyjamas, days after major surgery.
Norm Cuthill, from Port Macquarie on the New South Wales North coast, was supposed to have been driven to the airport in an ambulance last Monday, six days after having surgery at Fairfield Private Hospital to remove a cyst from a collapsed lung. "

1 Even Wiser people reply:

BwcaBrownie said...

Once AGAIN Dickhead Deanne Kelly proves that the electorate will vote for anything. And aren't people pigs. These airports are not ours or the governments, they are all privatised and I hope the security people who 'moved him on' get prostate cancer.