Saturday, February 02, 2008


I apologise for my sudden disappearance and locking everyone out. My server was kiddyhacked and I am currently offline as a result. Hopefully the attack will soon stop and I can reload.

Mia got accepted to do Visual Art, so we will be moving in 2 weeks. The house we have rented is very quirkily laid out, but we can make it work for 12 months until we decide if we like the city and want to buy. The house has just been renovated and painted etc, looks very nice although the picket fence is pale yellow, not white *g*
The 2 kidlets begged us to find a house in Jackass Flats, alas, we could not, so are living in Kangaroo instead LOL I kid you not!

Got our corp tickets for WSBK, so we move then come back 2 weeks later to Phillip Island. I am spray painting some tshirts to wear as I only have fan stuff in the old colours.

Got the new laptops yesterday, so have been setting them all up, it's been like a production line adding anti virus, firewalls, spyware etc. Everyone wanted a Logitech mini mouse like mine, so we trooped off to Officeworks. No mice were bought but came home with an LCD HDTV for a really good price *g* 34" so it fits into the wall unit nicely. The company has made really good computer monitors for years so we shouldn't have any drama's. It was even cheaper as someone bought it and returned it because it didn't have a digital set top box. They didn't even take it out of it's box. Bonus!

Anyway, I am off to get some sleep. Nitey nite, don't let the bed bugs bite *g*

2 Even Wiser people reply:

Dogbait said...

I can't see a banner. Jut a black band.

antikva said...

Hi Matey! Enjoying your free time? We are ;-) 'cept for the whole moving thing of course LOL

Yes, I had to protect my whole site until the dos-nutjob stopped trying and also had to hotlink protect the images. Sorry :-( hopefully I can get back to normal as it's starting to slow.

I ended up tossing the blog back onto blogger and rerouting the feed, so some of the images are trying to use pw access.